If you're someone who is battling foot pain, you've likely heard about "Plantar Fasciitis". Some questions to think about are:

What does the pain feel like?
Is this new or an old/chronic pain?
When is the pain most severe?
What movements or activities do you feel limited in due to your foot pain or discomfort?
What Is Plantar Fasciitis And What Can You Do About It?
The plantar fascia is connective tissue that runs from the calcaneus (the heel) and extends into five bands that encompass the flexor tendons. This plays an important role in the normal biomechanics of the foot. The plantar fascia helps support the arch and acts as shock absorption while walking. Typically, people have the greatest amount of pain in the morning and it gets better as the day goes on. The pain tends to be localized under the heel and usually very sharp.
Through differential diagnosis, a Physical Therapist will be able to tell you if it's Plantar Fasciitis or something else such as, a Nerve Entrapment, Stress Fractures, Tendonitis, Paget's disease, Sever's disease (Calcaneal Apophysitis), or another foot condition.
Once a Physical Therapist determines what's causing your foot pain, they can give you a specific plan to help get rid of it.
For Plantar Fasciitis, most people respond well to conservative treatment which includes, strength training, stretching, joint mobilizations, soft tissue mobilizations/massage, and sometimes splints, taping or orthotics use. Your Physical Therapist will be able to guide you through all of these interventions.
If you've been dealing with foot pain and want to get to the root cause, email info@powerfulpt.com or fill out the form below. Powerful Physical Therapy can help get rid of your foot pain and back to enjoying your usual activities!