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Jul 1, 2023
What is Bell’s Palsy and How Can You Speed Up Your Recovery?
Affecting an estimated 40,000 people a year in the United States, Bell’s Palsy is an episode (usually temporary) of facial weakness and or p

Jun 1, 2023
Recovering From Total Hip Replacement Surgery
Sometimes the only solution to chronic hip problems, like pain and loss of mobility associated with osteoarthritis, is hip replacement...

May 1, 2023
3D Movement Analysis
Powerful Physical Therapy is now offering full body, 3D Motion Analysis using Kinotek technology. With this new tool you can see how you m

Apr 1, 2023
Recovering From Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Sometimes the only solution to chronic knee problems, like severe pain and loss of mobility, is surgical intervention in the form of a total

Mar 1, 2023
Is Deadlifting Safe?
Many people, especially those with back pain, are told deadlifting is dangerous and they must be careful to not hurt their back. It's...

Feb 1, 2023
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that effects the central nervous system by damaging the myelin sheath, or protective coating, of nerves

Jan 2, 2023
Parkinson’s Disease and How Physical Therapy Can Help
Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder of the brain that causes uncontrollable movements and other problems such as difficulty with balance and .

Dec 1, 2022
Holiday Stress and Sticking to Goals
The holidays often create stress and pressure to add to our already full plates which can lead to overwhelm and/or fatigue. If you've been

Nov 1, 2022
How To Prevent Falls
Tips for Fall Prevention For many people, the prospect of falling is no laughing matter, with risk of serious injury. Even for healthy,...

Oct 12, 2022
Hip Osteoarthritis
Hip Osteoarthritis (OA) often develops gradually, over time. While people over 50 have higher incidences of hip OA, young people can also..

Sep 1, 2022
Chronic Pain
For those dealing with chronic pain, it can be a heavy burden to carry physically and emotionally. After years of pushing through pain,...

Aug 1, 2022
Rotator Cuff Tears
Rotator cuff tears impact many individuals. Tears can occur with injury, like falling with an arm stretched out, or gradual degeneration....

Jul 1, 2022
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) often presents similarly to shoulder and neck pain. However, the cause of the pain is due to compression...

Jun 1, 2022
Most have heard of bunions or know personally from the direction their toes start moving. A bunion is when your big toe starts turning...

May 1, 2022
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a rare form of arthritis that impacts the spine due to an inflammatory response.

Apr 1, 2022
Piriformis Syndrome
How do you know if you have piriformis syndrome or sciatica? Both diagnoses involve the sciatica nerve but where the compression occurs...

Mar 1, 2022
Herniated Discs
People with back or neck pain are often fearful as to whether they have a herniated disc. If they've had an MRI, it's likely a herniated...

Feb 1, 2022
What a pain in the A$$ How do you know if you have sciatica or something else? Sciatica originates in the lumbar spine, usually from a...

Jan 10, 2022
Adductor Strain
The adductors are our inner thigh muscles. They run from the groin down to the inside of the knee. The adductors are strained most often..

Oct 1, 2021
Hip Bursitis
Before we dive into hip bursitis, first let's discuss what a bursa is....
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157 N. Ocean Ave. #4, Patchogue, NY 11772 | | 631-317-1222
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