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Sep 1, 2021
ITB Syndrome
The IT Band is connective tissue that runs from the hip to the knee on the outer part of the thigh. When this band becomes tight, or unable

Aug 1, 2021
What Causes Pinching In The Groin?
The hip is comprised of 2 bones: the femur and the pelvis, creating a ball and socket joint. The hip should freely be able to move in all...

Jul 1, 2021
Knee Osteoarthritis
Arthritis is a condition that impacts many people. However, just because you're getting older does not guarantee you will get debilitating..

Jun 1, 2021
ACL, MCL, PCL, LCL- What Do These Letters Stand For?
These letters represent 4 ligaments that make up the knee joint. While there are several smaller ligaments within the knee, these are the 4

May 1, 2021
Do You Need Surgery If You Tear Your Meniscus
The meniscus is the cartilage that cushions the knee joint. Forceful twisting of the knee can sometimes lead to a tear. You may hear a pop

Apr 1, 2021
Patellar Tendonitis
You may have heard of "Jumper's knee" which is another name for patellar tendonitis. When someone experiences pain along the front of their

Mar 1, 2021
What Can I Do About My Knee Osteoarthritis?
Arthritis is a condition that impacts many people. However, just because you're getting older does not guarantee you will be in pain.

Feb 2, 2021
Shoveling Mechanics
When life sends us a blizzard, we need to be prepared to shovel. The reason we deadlift, squat, and add rotational exercises to our rehab or

Jan 28, 2021
Ankle Sprain Treatment
Are you someone who has rolled your ankle several times? Maybe even when stepping off a curb, or walking on uneven ground?

Jan 23, 2021
The Power of Organization
Learn from Eva and Laura, The Professional Organizers of The Hamptons, about organizing your living spaces and increasing your overall...

Jan 15, 2021
The Power of a Plant Based Diet
Catherine Tulloch, founder of The Caribbean Vegan LLC, provides valuable information about the benefits of a plant based diet.

Jan 4, 2021
Do I Have Plantar Fasciitis?
What Is Plantar Fasciitis And What Can You Do About It?
The plantar fascia is connective tissue that runs from the calcaneus (the heel) to..

Dec 18, 2020
How To Properly Use A Cane and Fit It To The Correct Height
Learn what side to hold your cane in and how to make sure it is set to the proper height.

Nov 23, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving! Have You Thought of What Gift To Give This Holiday Season?
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, that means the holiday rush and gift giving season is about to begin. If you're like me, figuring...

Nov 10, 2020
From Student Athletes to Entrepreneurs: Comparing Personal Training and Physical Therapy
Learn about the power of utilizing physical therapy and personal training together. How 2 student athletes took the leap to entrepreneurs.

Nov 3, 2020
What Does A Physical Therapist Do?
Many people do not know exactly what PT's do outside of rehabbing injuries or working with people who just had surgery...

Oct 25, 2020
Fall Cleanup: Protect Your Back
With the leaves falling, you know it is time to rake and clean up the yard for winter. For some, raking is easy. For others, it is a big...

Oct 6, 2020
Happy National Physical Therapy Month!
As a Physical Therapist I get to help people every day and watch their progress overtime.

Sep 23, 2020
Powerful Neck & Back Relief Workshop
Learn about what exercises you can do in a chair to alleviate neck and back tension.

Sep 12, 2020
Is Your Child's Backpack Too Heavy?
While strength and resistance training is safe and important for children... If backpacks are too heavy...
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answered right away?
Call or Text Dr. Powell directly at 631-317-1222
157 N. Ocean Ave. #4, Patchogue, NY 11772 | | 631-317-1222
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